A Weekend at the St. Louis PixelPop Festival

I first heard about the PixelPop Festival last year. It was of particular interest to me as I was making killer progress on The Path of Dissent (sadly unfinished for now) and I was thinking seriously about trying to demo it at the event. It was about that time that I had to accept that my recent transition to work-at-home dad status wasn’t conducive to steady game development progress and I switched to games journalism almost exclusively for most of a year. I didn’t get to the event and I didn’t think about it at all for another good year.

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Pokemon Go: WTF Roundup

Since its release in the middle of last week, Pokemon Go has pretty well set the world on fire. A crappy launch in the summer heat plagued by server issues hasn’t kept players from taking to the streets and…tapping on pictures of Pokemon and whatever the hell. The game has been so unexpectedly popular, Nintendo shares were up 10% by the end of launch week.

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This Guy Left a Competitive Overwatch Match with Good Reason

Overwatch’s competitive play has been live for a few days now, and most players are familiar with the ups and downs of getting ranked and battling your way to the top. Matches are longer, the endgame rules have changed, and you can occasionally expect to be punished for the poor performance of the strangers on your team if you don’t play in a group. Perhaps the most frustrating difference, though, is the one that can shut down a match before it ever truly begins.

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itch.io announces refinery, an early access alternative for indies

itch.io has launched Refinery, a toolset it promises will allow indie studios to conduct early game releases with the flexibility to set their own terms. If this sounds like a shot at Steam Early Access, that probably isn’t a coincidence. “Early access ‘programs’ have long been an issue for developers looking to get feedback and … Read more