My Tamagotchi ruined me as a person

It was the end of the 1990s. The Tamagotchi had taken over the world, but sales were slowing for the first time. The conditions were perfect for the kids in our lower-middle-class area to grab one at a discount for the first time. Soon, I was 13 years old and struggling under the pressure to settle down and start a family.

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Developers: Please Enjoy These Free Loading Screen Messages for Your Next Game or WIP

Loading is inevitable in modern games. What started as simple notices that the game wasn’t broken has spiraled in all directions including (admittedly cool) looping animations, play tips, and eyeroll-worthy notices about “charging the hyperdrives” and “injecting extra FUN.” While this feature is almost inherently an afterthought, it doesn’t seem like a stretch to say the wrong loading message will almost certainly cause your game to flop and destroy your career.

But there’s good news! We’ve put together this list of free loading messages you can borrow to earn laughs and love from players. Enjoy!

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News, State of the Pod, and Philip Molodkovets of Wargaming

Welcome back! Here are some updates–including the scoop on Inside Video Game Creation in the latest deal at StoryBundle–a word on the state of the podcast, and an exclusive interview with Philip Molodkovets, Wargaming’s executive producer on World of Warships.

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Triple-A Environment Artist James Brady

Ireland-based freelance artist James Brady calls in to discuss his meteoric rise in the game industry, including contributions to major triple-A titles such as Halo Infinite, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rogue Company, Hitman 2, PUBG, Dying Light 2, and more.

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People Have Actually Pulled off Grand Theft Auto 3’s Stolen Taxi Hustle

…and a couple have gotten away. It’s one of the first suggestions you hear when you break loose in Liberty City: “Find” a taxi and go earn some money. Carjack a cab stopped in traffic, and you can transport NPCs until you get bored, run out of time, or the car explodes from excessive damage. … Read more